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It's not just an interview... It is hardly more than that. Let's get to facts first, most of you guys must have alread...
Eligible to apply for the MARA SPIP program? Say no more, you're one of the luckiest guys in the nation. The bumiputra scholarshi...
A very common feat for IB students in their first steps in learning Theory of Knowledge or shortly better known as ToK is to understand the ...
The second stage of the Taylor's World Class Scholarship would shudder you inside out, just kidding, it would be a breeze for gu...
As prestigious as it might sound, it's definitely a world-class scholarship. The Taylor's World Class Scholarship...
Credits: Macworld The struggle is real, laptop is officially essential bila di alam universiti nanti. I'm doing this post becaus...
Hi abang any idea of who was the KYS girl you saw during the uem scholarship
No clue at all
Hi brother, can I know more about the MARA IQ test? I mean, the practices before ones taking the aptitude test.
Hey Faris,
Hope you're doing well, I am a fellow Maths HL student and I came across your post which referred to an IA on " rotation of a spoon, to cool down coffee". I am currently in the final drafts phase of my IA, and wanted to be able to compare my work with an existing piece of work that has attained a relatively high level, If possible, it would very much be appreciated and beneficial to me, if you would be able to send across a copy of your maths HL IA.
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