A very common feat for IB students in their first steps in learning Theory of Knowledge or shortly better known as ToK is to understand the underlying concepts of truths and perspectives. Let's dive deeper, this will be an amazing journey.
Upon driving on 10th June of 2018, I realized something very typical in the thought of the daily young adult. A strike of thinking passed through my head. The P and the L sticker, used by those who have just passed their driving tests (or during their learning period for L sticker users). Now, this might seem straightforward and quite stupid to question such a customary idea. But let's open our thoughts and widen our mind.
As common as we see the symbol in quotidian traffic, we have always yet to question. What is it's true meaning? Is it probation? Provisional perhaps? It's just a symbol marked on a sticker. Everyone recognized that it's a new driver when they have one on their cars. But yet, it got so many meaning to it. So many truths. Others may seem to interpret it differently. Ask someone from the States, and take someone from Oceania. They would probably say they hold two different meanings. Yet they share a common feat, that it holds for a person about to have their first kilometres on the road.
It is thus vague of which is it truly a shared knowledge or is it just a personal knowledge limited to the creators of the law, the authority. In a strike, it so seemingly, from a perspective, that we can judge it to be a shared knowledge, accessible to everyone. But when we start thinking down deeper, it doesn't seem quite it. It more suitably fit the idea that it is, without doubt, a personal knowledge limited to lawmakers and the general public whose curiosity had led them to go down deeper into the books of authoritarian.
Now we take this simple concept and apply it to larger scales. There are things for which we just thought that they are a common feat, of which they are shared knowledge but instead they are very, very, very limited to the lone wolf who cares to delve deeper. And in the aftermath, there exists, multiple truths; at least to various observers. But the real truth that holds, is the one that only the finest whom wish to care.
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